Luxury Cigar Collection

Indulge in the Finest Handcrafted Cigars


A delicately crafted Box Pressed cigar, embraced by a rich San Andrés (Mexico) wrapper. The harmonious blend of leather, nuts, oak, and chocolate notes will captivate you, transcending mere moments of enjoyment


A commanding Toro, adorned in a luscious Habana Maduro wrapper. This cigar captivates with its alluring aroma, seamlessly dancing between distinct notes with each third of its body, creating an experience that lingers and enthralls

Our Unique Promise

At Familia Real Cigars, we promise unparalleled craftsmanship, exceptional quality, and a touch of luxury in every puff. Discover the essence of indulgence.

These exquisite cigars have been meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans to delight the palate of any cigar aficionado.

These blends are a testament to the true artistry behind each creation, promising an unparalleled experience that lives up to their name.

Exquisite Selection

We pride ourselves on offering a meticulously curated selection of premium cigars crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring an unparalleled smoking experience.

Craftsmanship & Tradition

At Familia Real Cigars, we blend the artistry of traditional cigar-making with a commitment to excellence, delivering an authentic and luxurious experience to our customers.

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